Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Friendly PSA for a Thursday Morning

We all have our "something". No one is without something that plays with their head, disappoints them, and discourages them. We all have the thing that we're striving to accomplish or reach and just haven't gotten yet. Today I want to share that God does not want us to be unhappy. God does not want us to be underemployed, or alone. God wants us to be happy, married, be gainfully employed, as long as we remember that He is in control and is here for us, and that we should love one another and help each other along the way. As long as we do these things, we can be the happiest people to exist.

Happiness is a choice. You can be poor or sick, but still be happy. Let's choose happiness over being discouraged. Let's choose happiness over defeat and turmoil. Let's choose happiness over having doubt and fear. We have all been given talents and gifts. Let's use these gifts and talents to be successful in our own right while still glorifying God and being good, upstanding, humble, and kind citizens of the world!

Have faith. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. If things haven't always panned out how you expected, or things didn't work out the way that you wanted, you should still keep trying. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and stay positive. Be happy, be cheerful. God is doing great things on your behalf. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that He has a plan for each of us, so let's be confident and know that God is handling it! So put a smile on your face and keep your chin up. Stop worrying about "when it will be your turn", and looking at how great so-in-so is, or what so-in-so has that you don't have, or what he/she is doing that you're not doing. Go out and get yours! Go out and do something for yourself. Invest in yourself! You are your best asset. You are all that you have and all that you need. God will take you far! You can do it! Forgive yourself for what happened in the past. Leave it in the past! Stop carrying those burdens around with you. Aren't you tired of keeping all of that baggage with you all of the time? I know I sure am. My arms and shoulders are sore from carrying all of that weight and all of those "what ifs" and "shoulda, coulda, wouldas", so let's leave it behind.

Today is a new day. God gave you a new chance to start over, beginning with today. Isn't that a blessing?! So let's do it! Let's start over today! Let's be happy, like Pharell Williams! There is no expiration date for your happiness. There is no time limit for you to be a big success. There is no time limit for you to be a mother or father to someone who needs a loving mother and father. There is no deadline for you to find your soul mate, fall in love, and get married. There is no age limit to go to college and get your degree. So let's stop acting like it's too late, because it's not too late! The time is now!