Sunday, May 21, 2017

REQUIRED READING: "Men Don't Love Women Like You"; Book Review

So my goal for 2017 was all about self-realization, self-improvement, and action! So far I've achieved a lot of the steps to achieving many of my personal goals, from losing over 20 pounds by changing my eating habits, to paying off my student loan debt this year (Thank you Jesus!), and sitting down with my Financial Advisor about getting my butt in gear on getting my finances in check, just to name a few.

Another thing that I wanted to work on this year was getting my mind in the right place to date with purpose. My dating and relationship resume is admittedly pretty terrible, and over the last two years I came to the reality that as often as I've just blamed all the men I've dated for our relationship/situationship/dating failures, I am the common denominator. Now, the question at that point was, 'if I'm doing something wrong to ruin these relationships, then what it is it that I'm doing wrong?' It's been quite the quandary. I've bugged many friends and family, read lots of dating advice books, and even sought a professional counselor trying to get insight on what I've been doing. Sadly, I still had no idea what I was doing wrong. I decided to stop dating and put myself in time out while figuring these things out. It led me to a journey of self-discovery which got into high gear at the end of last year. At the point when I was ready, and God thought that I was ready, I stumbled upon a blog post on my Facebook timeline advertising the book, Men Don't Love Women Like You by GL Lambert. After reading a few paragraphs of the blog post on the website, I knew that this book was going to be the swift kick in the ass that I had been looking for! And boy, was it!

If you have ever had trouble communicating with men, been unsure if a guy is worth dating or not, wondered if a guy is playing you, questioned if you should have sex with a guy you're dating or if you should wait longer, if you've had trouble attracting men, or if you've struggled with getting a commitment from a guy past the dating stage, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! I repeat, this is REQUIRED READING.

I don't know who GL Lambert is, but somehow this man knows my life! I mean, my WHOLE life! I don't know how this total stranger knew so much about my past, my thoughts, my behavior, my insecurities, and everything else, but somehow Mr. Lambert (which I'm sure is a pseudonym) knew me! Instead of "Tina Typical", he might as well had said "Caprice."  *insert embarrassed emoji here*

First of all, this book is not for the faint of heart. Lambert is not here to save your feelings honey! There's a lot of harsh TRUE accusations in this book about who you are and have been, and what you need to do to change your way of thinking about men, dating, relationships, and YOURSELF! There's lots of cursing in the book, from the b-word, p-word, the f-bomb, and everything in between. But there's also a wealth of great insight in this book, fantastic analogies and examples, and clever and current pop culture references, which make for an amazing read!

While reading MDLWLY, I found myself overcome with a ton of emotions, everything from happiness and hopefulness about my future love life with this great expert advice, to embarrassment and guilt regarding all of the many, many mistakes that I've made in my dating life in the past which made me feel like an idiot looking back now. However, the guidance and advice that's in this book has given me endless amounts of wisdom into my past mistakes and things I should watch out for in the future, so that when a man even thinks he can run a game on me, I can counteract. I now don't have to just sit and watch it happen, waiting for the air to blow out of my relationship tires as I've been doing.

The book also is as much a book about dating advice as it is about empowering women. The whole point of the book is to prove to women that you are stronger than you think you are, and that you can take control over yourself, your dating life, what you will and won't tolerate from a man. This book is like "Think Like a Man Act Like a Lady" on steroids and a molly! It's 371 pages of pure FACT!

I told a friend about this book last week and she's already bought it, and is almost half way through it! She also can't believe how much it's helped her in realizing the mistakes that she's made in her love life, and how right on the money this book is!

 I needed severe help, and I can't express to you how much this book has helped me! It has seriously changed my life. This book is like a textbook that you can always go back and refer to when you get in certain situations. It's similar to a handbook with step-by-step instructions, and outlines everything from your first conversation with a man to how to behave during your first date, to how to communicate with your boyfriend during situations when you have gotten into a committed relationship. It is truly the FINAL WORD in dating advice books! Don't wait to go read this book! I promise you, you will NOT be disappointed!